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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is the Stuff!

I don’t normally write on the church blog unless it’s directly about Palmwoods Baptist Church but I think that should change! This week God has been teaching me some very valuable lessons that I really wanted to share with you because we’re all human and I’m certain everyone faces these too!

How easy is it to get discourage in this gloomy old world that we live in? Okay so it’s not really gloomy but when things aren’t going your way it sure does feel that way! I’m not talking about the big things, sometimes big bad things come our way and they really do knock us down. No, I’m talking about the small, unimportant things that make us feel like the world is coming to an end. Ever felt like that? I sure have, when the DVD player just won’t work, when I spend 20mins trying to find phone reception or when motivation is a non-existent thing in your life! These small things can really make life suck, simple as that!

I found this great song this week – well actually a friend of facebook put it up to share with everyone and it was exactly how I was feeling. So I’m guessing God was using facebook right at that moment to get this to me haha! Have a listen!

It’s called This is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli – go on, have a listen!

When life gives you a kick just turn to God in prayer so that He can remind you that He is using these little knocks (and most times they are very little hardships) to teach us some valuable lessons and to build our character to be more like Him. The above song says ‘I forget how big I’m blessed’ SO TRUE, SO TRUE, SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are incredibly blessed and we need to remember it! God is using all of this ‘stuff’ in His own special way to help us, bless us and teach us! Also remember those who are facing the ‘big stuff’ like in Japan, New Zealand and up the North Coast of Queensland. God is using their situations too but do keep them in your prayers, God does hear them!

Have a wonderful rest of the week and I hope that this post does encourage you to pray! And hey If you’re not smiling by now you can always just imagine me trying for 20mins without success to get phone reception by standing in a very uncoordinated fashion on anything and everything around me!

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