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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I cannot bear this

Well I’m hoping that I can write this post about Sunday’s service with great clarity because not only did I attend Sunday morning church but also the Diamond Valley Lodge Service and evening church. In total we heard 4 messages on Sunday, so hopefully I’m writing about the correct one here!

Basically Sunday mornings message was about how sometimes we just cannot bear certain things in our lives. It might be guilt, anger, frustration, sadness, it doesn’t really matter. But sometimes or perhaps I should say often, unwanted things come into our lives and cause us great grief. Have you ever faced something you cannot stand up against? I certainly have and when my strength has felt so weak because of that thing I have just felt so much worse that I couldn’t stand it. Well today’s message was great because Ps Simon affirmed with us that we don’t have to bear these things alone, in fact we don’t have to bear them at all. Take them to the cross and leave them with Jesus Christ and your burden will be lifted straight away.

Sounds simply hey? Well it is but it certainly take a lot of prayer, so make sure your relationship with our wonderful God is firm and strong because He will be your strong tower, your foundation when storms come crashing down.

Out of great affliction, comes great blessings! Who’s to say God isn’t using that difficult circumstance for a reason in your life, just pray.

We were also reminded not to judge others when they are going through difficult times, facing the storms of life. Judge lest ye be judged! If you don’t want to be judge than don’t judge others! Yes, it’s very easy to do but put a conscious effort into not doing it and God will help you follow through with the actions.

And a final thought from the message was that an obedient Christian is a happy Christian. It’s very true because if you are in the word of God and in continuous prayer with God, you will know His will for you and you will live your life out of obedience for God. Remember we live in a world of sin and God is our saviour from all of that! Keep close to Him everyday!

Have a wonderful and blessed week and make sure you pick up that bible sometime during the week, don’t let it just sit there!!!

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