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Monday, January 17, 2011

To Hear

Sunday 16th January saw us dive deeper into our sermon series 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth', preached by Ps Simon. This was the second installment and we heard all about needing to hear the word of God. We looked specifically at Luke 4 and Acts 7:51 for more wisdom from God’s word.

We need to understand that what we hear will affect our hearts and we need to be hearing the right thing. Reading all sorts of books can help increase our knowledge and understanding but we need to be wise about what we read so that our knowledge grows with the right information. Make sure you keep in the Word of God too, as it will always grow your understanding correctly.

Always remember that God actually wants us to hear from Him as hearing from God and His word will increase our faith. Be careful that your imagination is not guiding you, rather God and His word.

Last week Ps Simon talked about Matthew 7 where God tells us that it is wise to build our house on the rock and not the sand. Well by reading God’s word you are building your faith on the rock which is God. If your foundation in God is strong, than when storms in life come along you are going to be able to withstand anything.

You will have faith when you know Jesus but to increase your faith you need to actually hear from Him! Knowing and hearing from Jesus is such a huge blessing and will bring you much joy, love and hope!

Please continue praying for the church and it’s people each week and check out our ever changing website at and make sure you listen to our sermons each week!

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