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Monday, January 10, 2011

To Believe

A very rainy Sunday morning but a blessing to be in the church reading the Word of God! We even had some lovely visitors which was a great blessing from our wonderful God! I hope they were are blessed by God’s word and presence as I was!

We learn a lot from John 12:46 and onwards about how Jesus was not sent to judge us rather the save us and that the Word will judge those that reject it! We also were reminded that we need to build our lives on the rock not the sand! The rock is the Word of God and it is extremely important to have a strong foundation in our lives!

The Word of God will set you free and Jesus Christ is our rock which we can safely and confidently stand upon! If you have a bible make sure you read it! We are all guilty of not reading our bibles but if you don’t read the Lords word you cannot grow properly. Also talk to God, anytime anywhere! He’s never of reception or on another call! What a blessing that is in our ever changing, technological world! The Lord loves you very much and He’s ready to take your call right now so please pray and please read His Word! I’m sure He will touch your heart and life!

On a side note please keep the big floods in South East Queensland in your prayers. So many people, places and communities have been greatly affected and we’ve even seen some lives lost due to these floods! Every channel on TV shows just a little more of the devastation that people are facing. We are so incredibly blessed that we have a God who is going to take care of us and all of these terrible events so please pray!

All if you can please donate to the Flood Appeal because ever cent counts and these people are going to need a great deal of money to re-build their lives and homes!

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